【同义词辨析】 2019-01-04 忘记forgetful-unmindful

forgetful: implies a heedless or negligent habit of or propensity for failing to remember: ~ of my duties as a host.

oblivious: suggests a failure to notice or remember as a result of external causes or conditions or of a determination to ignore: lost in thought, ~ to the rushing crowd around her.

unmindful: may suggest inattention and heedlessness or a deliberate disregard: a crusading reformer who was ~ of his family's needs.

forgetful健忘: 表示经常容易忘事(habit习惯暗指经常,propensity倾向暗指容易),比如由于粗心或年龄,oblivious没注意忘记: 表示没有注意或没有记住,可指无意有意(原文比较长“由于外部因素或自身故意忽视而没有注意到或忘记"意思是"既可指无意也可指有意",forgetful指无意即不是故意的),unmindful忘记不顾: 同样可表示没注意到不顾disregard语气比ignore委婉,因此例句选此词)

记忆方法: 1)首字母FOU想成UFO飞碟<==看到后忘记

        2)忘记的意思是失去对某事的记忆mean losing from one's mind something once known or learned.